Cloudflare Tunnel (Zero Trust)

Cloudflare tunnel can be used as a Reverse Proxy in front of Speedtest Tracker when you want to expose the Dashboard publicly without exposing your IP Address and with a trusted certificate,You will need at add the APP_URL envoirment.

Cloudflare Tunnel Configuration

  • Go to the Networks -> Tunnels page.

  • For the tunnel you want to add the Speedtest Tracker to. Click on Edit

  • Go to Public Hostname

  • Click on Add a public hostname

  • Fill in the fields the following field

    • Subdomain: The subdomain you want to access the Speedtest Tracker on.

    • Domain: The domain you want to access the Speedtest Tracker on.

    • Type: Connection type to the Speedtest Tracker (http/https)

      • When choosing HTTPS you will need to disable the TLS verification under Additional application settings -> TLS -> No TLS Verify

    • URL: The URL to access the Speedtest Tracker. This can be either the IP Address:Port or the container_name:port.

When using the container_name Cloudflare Tunnel and Speedtest Tracker need to be on the same Docker network.

Docker Configuration


        container_name: speedtest-tracker
            - PUID=1000
            - PGID=1000
            - DB_CONNECTION=sqlite
            - APP_KEY=
            - ASSET_URL=
            - SPEEDTEST_SERVERS=
            - # Change this to your domain name
            - /path/to/data:/config
            - /path/to-custom-ssl-keys:/config/keys
        restart: unless-stopped

Depending on your Cloudflare Tunnel configuration, you need to make use the Speedtest Tracker and Cloudflare Tunnel are on the same docker network.

Added compose partDescription


URL you want to access the WebGui on.


URL used for loading all the needed assets. Need to be the same as the APP_URL.

Last updated